Tuesday 1 March 2016

Bios Life

Bios Life
Bios Life is a unique and patented formula of naturally derived ingredients.  When taken as a drink, Bios Life forms a fiber matrix in the digestive system. This fiber matrix envelops nutrients and sugars as they are consumed, releasing them to the body at a natural rate. This revolutionary breakthrough provides the following health benefits:
• Clinically proven to reduce bad (LDL) cholesterol
• Clinically proven to increase good (HDL) cholesterol
• Balances blood sugar levels
• Eliminates energy spikes and crashes
• Aids in weight management
• Promotes healthy digestive function
• Strengthens the immune system
• Decreases triglyceride levels
• Cleanses the colon

Thousands of healthcare and medical professionals around the world have helped millions of people improve their health with this safe and scientifically proven natural solution to many of the world’s leading health problems.

Cholesterol Management
Bios Life combines four effective approaches to lowering harmful cholesterol:
1. Helps to block re-absorption of cholesterol in the intestinal tract
2. Helps to block absorption of cholesterol which comes directly from food after digestion
3. Reduces the cholesterol produced by the liver
4. Enhances enzymatic breakdown and removal of bad cholesterol
Bios Life lowers serum cholesterol by reducing the absorption and production of dietary cholesterol.
On average, Bios Life reduces bad cholesterol (LDL) by 31% in only eight weeks and over 50% in participants with very high LDL levels. It improves good cholesterol levels (HDL) by an average 29% in the same eight weeks and up to 80% in those with very low HDL levels. Continued use showed further improvement in both LDL and HDL levels. It also reduces triglyceride levels an average of 40%. There is no known clinically proven drug or natural product in the world that offers these three combined benefits to help reduce one’s risk of cardiovascular disease. Unlike prescription drugs, Bios Life is a true cholesterol optimization product.

Diabetes Management
Bios Life is clinically proven to stabilize our blood sugar levels. This has important benefits for all of us. Our modern diets and processed foods cause rapid fluctuation of glucose and insulin levels in our blood. The peaks cause cellular damage and pancreatic stress. The lows cause sugar cravings and lack of energy.
The fiber matrix in Bios Life limits the rapid increase of sugar levels by spreading out the sugar absorption during the day and by reducing the glycemic index of our foods. The resulting balance in our sugar levels gives us more usable energy throughout the day and prevents us from giving in to our sugar craving. This is of great benefit if you want to maintain a healthy weight or want to lose weight.
The lower glucose levels in the blood are also very beneficial for diabetics. The studies with Bios Life have shown that diabetics can reduce their sugar levels after the meal using Bios Life and improve their overall disease management.
The added proprietary chromium in Bios Life further sensitizes insulin and allows a further decrease in average glucose levels.
In a recent study presented to the American Heart Association Annual Conference concluded Bios Life reduced the post-prandial glucose levels 28% and HbA1c levels 15%; indicating Bios Life provides a natural option to improve diabetes management.
Digestive Health Management
The Biosphere fiber in Bios Life promotes the health of the intestinal tract. This can be noticed by improved digestion, increased energy, better bowel function, and a strengthened immune system.
A clean intestinal tract also allows our bodies to get rid of toxins and better absorb important nutrients from our diets.
The protection our immune system provides to fight off all kinds of sicknesses and disease is directly related to the health of our intestinal flora. Bios Life provides nutrition for our friendly bacteria.

Bios Life Key Ingredients
• Biosphere Fiber – A patented blend of five highly soluble fibers combined with mineral carbonate which quickly forms a fiber matrix in the digestive system that traps cholesterol and bile acids
• Phytosterols – Soy bean oil and sunflower oil extract which causes cholesterol from the food to be passed out of the body and not absorbed into the bloodstream
• Policosanol – Sugar Cane extract which inhibits HMGCoA reductase—the key enzyme involved in cholesterol synthesis by the liver
• Chrysanthemum morifolium – A water extract which activates an enzyme called 7-alpha hydroxylase which takes cholesterol out of the system and converts it to bile acids
• Chromium polynicotinate – A proprietary form of chromium with high bioavailability that enhances the effectiveness of insulin and reduces blood glucose levels
• Beta glucans – Fiber that controls the lipid and glucose response after a meal. Also stimulates white blood cells that are a key factor in the immune system
• Niacinamide, Riboflavin, Biotin, Cyanocobalamin, Folic Acid, and Thiamin HCI – Provide a powerful vitamin B complex to breakdown nutrients into energy. Also B-vitamins decrease the homocysteine level which is an independent risk factor for CVD.
• Ascorbic Acid, D-Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate, and Beta Carotene – Powerful antioxidants that prevent lipid and LDL oxidation and strengthen the immune system
In addition, Bios Life contains the powerful antioxidants Ascorbic Acid, D-Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate, and Beta Carotene.

Bios Life Testimonials
“When you can get the same results with a natural product as you can with a statin medication it’s just tremendous…” - Dr. Steven Ferguson, Powellsville, NC
“When I first had my cholesterol checked… a few years ago it was over three hundred.  I just had it checked and it’s 170.  I really just give all the credit to Bios Life.” - Jonelle Sharp, Brownwood, TX
“This one gentleman had his cholesterol testing and his triglycerides were so high that the machine wouldn’t even read it. [After taking Bios Life] his triglycerides are down to a normal level.” - Cindy Poulsen, Eagle, ID
“I have taken Bios Life for thirteen years.  I didn’t use it because I need to correct a problem.  I use it because I wanted to prevent a problem.” - Jan Bloom, Boca Raton, FL
“It’s really easy to take.  Just shake it up and drink it down.” - Mara Raskin, Wilmington, DE
“My total cholesterol dropped 70 points.  My LDLs dropped 49 points, my HDLs raised 23 points, and my triglycerides dropped 252 points.  I’ve also lost 27 pounds.” - Carmen Sunderman, Clearwater, FL
“After my heart attack I had my cholesterol checked.  It was 227.  Three weeks later… it was 114.” - Stan Smith, Tuscaloosa, AL
“Six months ago I started taking the product… my overall heart risk went from a 3.5 to a 2.4…” - Mary Beth Nelson, Pasadena, CA


Monday 22 February 2016

Khun Rasa Comeban - Inspiring Rags-to-Riches Story - MAKE LIFE BETTER

Rasa Comeban

Rasa Comeban came from humble beginnings to become Unicity’s first distributor to reach the rank of Crown Diamond. Her success has allowed her to take care of her family and build a tremendous team with members who are also seeing great success.

Perhaps most notably, Khun Rasa bought a hotel—Rasa Boutique Hotel—in her native Thailand after reaching the rank of Crown Diamond. It’s a place where family, friends, and others can gather to enjoy the luxury of the hotel and the company of one another.

At the 2012 Global Leadership Convention in Korea, she said, “Success can be passed down to those we sponsor. My dream is for all of us to share the dream together.”


Wednesday 17 February 2016

            The Happy Life Project

                                A Project To Help You Get The Happy Life

Welcome to The Happy Life Project!

You may be here because you heard about the Happy Life Project, wanted to find out more, or your friend pointed you this way. Or you may be here simply because you stumbled upon us while searching, or doing a search online, for happiness?? Whatever the circumstances – Welcome!
Let us give you a rough idea what the project is all about.

Have you ever heard the oft-quoted conventional wisdom, “Money Isn’t Everything”?
We agree. It isn’t.

If we were to ask you, between Money, Time and Health, which of these is the No 1 priority in your life right now? Would it be Money? Or Time? Or Health? Which is it?

From our numerous conversations with people from all walks of life, eight out of 10 will pick Health, and it doesn’t necessarily mean they have a present health crisis. Of the rest, most will choose Money and some will choose Time.

However, has it ever occurred to you that most people do live their life like Money Is Everything, despite the conventional wisdom that says otherwise?

Happy Life Project - Time Freedom

Well, did you notice most people give up a lot of their time, including precious time with children or loved ones, for many years, even decades, trying to make money and more money? They work so hard that they compromise on their health and well-being, taking on more stress than is good for the human body. In the process, they may lose their health. Then, after many years of making and saving money, they would have to spend all of their hard-earned money to buy back the health that they lost. No wonder people say – Money Isn’t Everything!

Nobody likes to live their life like that, but many people don’t know how else to live. In many cases, they become cynical and resigned, sighing and saying, “Life’s like that”.
Well, life need not be like that at all. The Happy Life Project offers a complete solution to this near-universal dilemma.

What if we can show you how you can have more money (make that, a lot more money, because if it is not a lot more, then we don’t need to waste each other’s time talking)? What if in the process of making a lot more money, you get to free up your time to do the things you love to do with your time?

And what if, in the process of achieving a higher level of Wealth and Freedom, you get better health immediately and eventually, you get to be free from health concerns?
Wouldn’t all that be great?

No Compromises in The Happy Life Project

Happy Life Project - Happy Family

Imagine: No more living a life of compromises where you have to choose between more money or more time, and neglect or compromise your health for the sake of money. What if life is not about Money or Time or Health, but Money + Time + Health?

Would you not be very much happier if you could have all three at the same time?
Think about this. Money isn’t and wasn’t ever everything. Money is but a tool of life, and so is Time and so is Health.

We want more money, more time and more health so that we can live out our life happily.
By now, you must have already gotten the idea why we call our project THE HAPPY LIFE PROJECT.

Some people say, everybody has his or her own happy life project. Yes. But if you don’t know how, you can take the rest of your life and never get there.
Here, The Happy Life Project is a 3-5 years project. Within three to five years, you can achieve passive income, one that is also massive, and growing. Imagine, retiring in 3-5 years with an income that is Passive, Massive and Growing, long after you have stopped working.

Many people go into business for themselves in pursuit of this ideal only to find that the journey from active income (you work, you get paid; you don’t work, you don’t get paid) to passive income (you work and get paid, work some more and get paid some more, and then one day, you stop working, you continue to get paid) takes 20-30 years, even 40-50 year.

Why would you want to work all your life, till you are 80 or 90? Is it to create a passive income source for your children?

Why not create this passive income for yourself to enjoy instead, by doing it within 5 years, by which time you would still be young and healthy enough to enjoy the wealth?

A Powerful Program

Happy Life Project - Financial Freedom

The Happy Life Project is a powerful program, open to all, that can deliver Financial Freedom (free from financial constraints and worries), Time Freedom (you own your time, and can do whatever you like, whenever you like with whoever you like) and Health Freedom (free from worrying about how you will be when you are 65).

We are not talking about a sometime-freedom, but an all-the-time freedom; not 30% or 40% free, but instead 100% free.
Now, picture this: If you can achieve 100% Financial Freedom, 100% Time Freedom and 100% Health Freedom, and get it all within 3-5 years, wouldn’t that be fantastic

In The Happy Life Project, we call that The 100% Happy Life.

If you’re open to finding out how this is possible for you, get back to the person who told you about the project and make an appointment for him or her to tell you more.
Come, explore new possibilities for yourself – working in a project where you can leverage on
  1. a time-tested corporate vehicle, with powerful products that many people don’t know about yet but need badly,
  2. a proven system for building a huge personal franchise and
  3. a professional highly-celebrated world-class team who will walk with you in your journey towards success and freedom.
We are excited for you and strongly encourage you to take that first step to find out more.
Let’s meet. Let’s talk!

Yours in the Happy Life Project
The Happy Life Project Team
Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Myanmar, Hong Kong, India
To contact us for more information on this project, please note:
If you were referred to this site by a friend, please revert back to your friend for more information on the Happy Life Project.
However, if you just happened to find us, and you would like to know how you too can begin your Happy Life Project, please contact us for more information.